Pick your words as they pick their battles

Myths seem hard to believe, at least when you’re not a child anymore. Instead, picture someone pulling themselves out of their weak frame, lying in their bed, and running out of tears to spare. Close your eyes and see – they close their eyes, and it makes them able to see nothing. Nothing inside, nothingContinue reading “Pick your words as they pick their battles”


‘Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.” Carl Jung (Founder of Analytical Psychology) Since time immemorial people have been wondering about questions such as- “What is happiness? Where can it be found?”  Happiness can be directlyContinue reading “POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY- ENHANCING MINDSETS AND ATTITUDE”

‘We all are here for one another’ – Role of social support in building resilience during COVID 19 Pandemic

‘The time whenThe world had turned upside down,With blackness swept over every townThe time whenThe laughter had suddenly disappearedLeaving all of our dreams in a sudden fear’ The beginning of this new decade has been a turning point in our lives. The pandemic has brought an ocean full of challenges and difficulties. Many of usContinue reading “‘We all are here for one another’ – Role of social support in building resilience during COVID 19 Pandemic”


“Language and vocabulary modification have the power to transform mindsets.” LGBTQIAPK+ community has been grappling with adversities since the conception of history. Often humiliated and excluded from society, they have always been denied access to even basic facilities and human rights. The major reason behind this exclusion can be found deep down in the rootsContinue reading “SEX, GENDER AND PRONOUNS- A GUIDE TO AN INCLUSIVE SOCIETY”


Grief is like the ocean; it comes in waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes, the water is calm and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim. Vicki Harrison Year 2020- the year that changed everything. A long and a different year when we all learnt more about ourselves, some valuable lessons,Continue reading “GRIEVING : THE FIRST STEP TO HEALING”

Self Esteem: The Most Powerful Tool For Self Growth

“Why should we worry about what others think of us? Do we have more confidence in their opinions than we do on our own?” Brigham Young On a bright Sunday morning, we get dressed up and go out. We think it looks amazing, but someone gives us a bad compliment. All our confidence is likelyContinue reading “Self Esteem: The Most Powerful Tool For Self Growth”

Stress: The Untold Story of a Student’s Life

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stressed” HELLO READERS! What comes to your mind when you hear the word “stress”? Sweating? Increased heart rate? Nervousness? The feeling of puking or dying? Do you remember movies like “Table no. 21” where the honeymooning couple had to go through so many situations which triggered their past conflictsContinue reading “Stress: The Untold Story of a Student’s Life”

A Real Struggle in Silence with Mental Health: Opinion V/S Support

TRIGGER WARNING: STRONG IMAGERY FOR INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS, Mention of words and expressions; Depression, Bipolar, Eating disorders, self-harm, suicide etc. “The worst part of being truly alone is you think about all the times you wished that everyone would just leave you be. Then they do, and you are left being, and you turn out toContinue reading “A Real Struggle in Silence with Mental Health: Opinion V/S Support”

Relationship- A Diverse Bond

HELLO READERS! According to Ancient Greek mythology, there are 8 types of love. Eros, Philia, Storge, Agape, Pragma, Ludus, Mania, and Philautia. Apart from Philautia (self-love), the other types are seen in interpersonal relationships. A relationship is a state of being connected to others in an enduring bond. These kinds of bonds can last throughoutContinue reading “Relationship- A Diverse Bond”

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